Hogrefe Publishing Newsletter March 2018
New releases
Dear Colleague,
What sort of personality are you? What kinds of people do you get along with best? And how do you resolve recurring stressful situations? Check out our latest release, Now I Get It!, to better understand who you are and why you behave as you do.
And don't miss the latest news from our journals. In addition to some free articles that we would like to recommend to you there is also some exciting news we would like to share with you.
Your Hogrefe Publishing Team
Hogrefe news
171st APA Annual Meeting, May 5-9, 2018
As we do every year, Hogrefe will have a booth at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Stop by and see the latest volumes in the Advances in Psychotherapy series and of course our renowned Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs.
See you in New York at Booth #520
New releases
Now I Get It!
by Johannes Storch / Corinne Morgenegg / Maja Storch / Julius Kuhl
This humorously written and illustrated book, by the world’s leading experts in personality systems interaction (PSI) theory and the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM), gives us profound insights into our and other people’s subconscious thoughts – so we can adapt our own behavior and interactions to improve our quality of life. Cartoons and worksheets help us on our way.
read more. . . 
Hotspots in Psychology 2018
edited by Michael Bošnjak / Edgar Erdfelder
This Hotspots issue showcases some of the vibrant meta-analytic research activity that is underway in psychology, including both applications of state-of-the-art meta-analytic methods to a steadily increasing number of substantive research fields, as well as methodological innovations to address challenges of meta-analytic research.
read more. . . 
Political and Civic Engagement in Youth
edited by Xenia Chryssochoou / Martyn Barrett
Antithetical patterns of youth political and civic engagement have been observed in recent years. Many young people are uninterested in politics and political participation, whereas others are highly engaged political actors. The patterns of their engagement and participation are changing and new forms of activism have appeared with the increasing use of new technologies and social media.
read more. . . 
Latest from our journals
Passing the baton at Crisis
After many years of distinguished service as Editor-in-Chief of Crisis, Diego De Leo is passing the baton to Jane Pirkis. Read their joint editorial, where Diego De Leo explains why the editorship could not be in any better hands and Jane Pirkis explains how her vision for the journal and visionary will built on Diego's tireless efforts.
Goodbye and welcome at Journal of Media Psychology
“It is a great pleasure to hand over the journal now to a scholar who is not only an excellent researcher himself, but has also been engaged in developing and fostering new ideas to optimize scientific publishing for years. It is my honor to present Christoph Klimmt as the next Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Media Psychology.”, says Nicole Krämer, past Editor-in-Chief. Starting January 1, 2018, Christoph Klimmt, Germany, has taken over as Editor-in-Chief. Read their joint editorial now on eContent.
Call for proposals
The Journal of Personnel Psychology is seeking proposals from prospective guest editors for special issues to be published in the 2020 and 2021 volumes. Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2018.
read more. . . 
Now on Twitter 
The editors set up an account for the journal to keep you posted about the latest news and research in the field of social psychology.
Follow Social Psychology on Twitter!
New open access articles 
Hearing the Suicidal Patient's Emotional Pain – A Typological Model to Improve Communication by Christine Dunkley, Alan Borthwick, Ruth Bartlett, Laura Dunkley, Stephen Palmer, Stefan Gleeson, and David Kingdon
Challenges of Combining Perspectives – A Qualitative Study of the Communication Between Female Suicidal Asylum Seekers and Mental Health Clinicians by Maria Sundvall, David Titelman, and Sofie Bäärnhielm
See our books on display at the following meetings 
Royal College of Peadiatrics and Child Health Conference
March 13-15, 2018, Glasgow (Wisepress)
International Symposium on Advances in Alzheimer Therapy
March, 15-18, 2018, Turin (Wisepress)
33rd Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology
March 16-20, 2018, Copenhagen (Wisepress)
Psychotherapy Networker Symposium East
March 22-24, 2018, Washington, DC (ABE)
World Congress on Controversies in Neurology
March 22-25, 2018, Warsaw (Wisepress)
Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging
March 26-28, 2018, San Francisco, CA (ABE)
Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference
April 4-8, 2018, Florence (Wisepress)
9th World Congress of the World Institute on Pain
May 9-12, 2018, Dublin (Wisepress)
Occupational Therapy International Trade Show and World Congress
May 15-18, 2018, Leipzig (Wisepress)
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