Managing suicide prevention or addressing trauma reactions with clients can lead to some somber conversations – and yet, these critical topics need to be addressed.
September is World Suicide Prevention Month – and serves as a timely reminder of the importance of mental health and helping those in need. Our book of the month “Advancing Suicide Research” and the second edition of “Suicidal Behavior” can help when researching the topic or treating clients at risk. And the newest edition of “Trauma Practice”, a popular and practical resource for clinicians caring for trauma survivors, has been fully updated and expanded.
Learn more about these and other resources below that are designed to help you interact more effectively with clients or colleagues expressing suicidal thoughts, or needing relief after being through a trauma.
Resources on suicide prevention
Book of the month
edited by Kairi Kõlves / Merike Sisask / Peeter Värnik / Airi Värnik / Diego De Leo
Our “Book of the Month” for September 2023.
This comprehensive book is written by leading researchers, who provide a comprehensive toolbox of the current best practices in suicide research. This volume shows you how to conduct high-quality research using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods in suicide-prevention from a public health perspective.
To learn more about what being a book of the month involves (hint: it includes a discount code!) click on the link below.
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Suicidal Behavior, 2nd ed.
by Richard McKeon
Suicide and Suicide Prevention From a Global Perspective
edited by Ella Arensman / Diego De Leo / Jane Pirkis
Reducing the Toll of Suicide
edited by Diego De Leo / Vita Poštuvan
Resources on trauma
Trauma Practice, 4th ed.
by Anna B. Baranowsky / J. Eric Gentry
“The book combines a deep and detailed understanding of the nature of trauma with a wide variety of effective tools and exercises.”
- Steve Taylor, PhD
The authors have fully updated and expanded the contents of this latest edition, as it remains a key toolkit of cognitive behavioral somatic therapy (CBST) techniques for clinicians who want to enhance their skills in treating trauma.
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Embitterment, Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder, and Wisdom Therapy
by Michael Linden
How to Overcome Embitterment With Wisdom
by Christopher Patrick Arnold / Michael Linden
Emotional Processing Scale – Wellbeing (EPS-W)
by Roger Baker
The EPS-W has been created to help occupational psychologists and employees understand and enhance the way in which they handle emotions and specific situations.
The assessment can provide useful insights into how individuals and teams manage change, transitions, and challenges in roles, such as with on-boarding in occupations that experience high-stress or emotional events, coaching or training to enhance resilience and wellbeing, and coaching individuals who are or will be experiencing extremely stressful or demanding work environments.
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New releases
Occupational Stress
by Peter Y. Chen
The workplace can be a major source of stress, and this can cause health problems that have a negative impact on individuals, organizations, and society.
This concise, evidence-based volume – the latest release in our Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice series and written by a leading occupational health psychologist – explores how work conditions and organizational characteristics pose threats and harms to people’s well-being through the lens of occupation stress theories and models.
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Family Caregiver Distress
by Dolores Gallagher-Thompson / Ann Choryan Bilbrey / Sara Honn Qualls / Rita Ghatak / Ranak B. Trivedi / Lynn C. Waelde
Guidance for supporting family caregivers on maintaining positive mental health
Based on research and clinical experiences of the authors, this volume in our Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice series focuses on examining the specific issues that caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia face.
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Assessment of Eating Behavior
edited by Adrian Meule
The latest volume in our Psychological Assessment – Science and Practice series provides a comprehensive overview of assessment methods for eating behavior research and clinical practice, which include both self-report questionnaires and structured interviews as well as assessment of food intake in the laboratory, ecological momentary assessment, cognitive-behavioral tasks, and psychophysiological measures.
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Our journals
New article type
Our former Clinical Insights articles will now be known as Practice and Policy Insights articles. They can still include clinical articles focusing on particular clinical approaches, programs, or initiatives, but with the updated title and expanded scope, articles are now able to go beyond this and widen the lens on suicide prevention.
For more information please read the editorial linked below, written by Editor-in-Chief Jane Pirkis.
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European Journal of Psychological Assessment
New badge: Open Analytic Code
To promote the Transparency and Openness Promotion Guidelines, EJPA is now offering Open Analytic Code badges to encourage authors to implement open science practices. Learn more in the link below.
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