Welcome to spring! We are pleased to announce that the Hogrefe Group has made a commitment to sustainability and to doing our utmost to help our planet and our fellow citizens enjoy our climate and what we hope is lovely spring weather this year. We have created a mission statement, pledged to uphold standards, and have begun a specific series of actions to achieve these important goals.
And we have formalized our commitment, having signed the SDG Publishers Compact to actively support and accelerate the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN by 2030. As a member, we strive to develop sustainable practices and act as champions of the SDGs by publishing books and journals that help inform, advance, and inspire action on the issues of the SDGs.
To learn more on our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, head to our website.
More than a publisher: NASP 2023
We enjoyed the opportunity to meet many of you at the NASP Convention in Denver. It was exciting to see so many school psychologists interested in the upcoming Early Sociocognitive Battery (ESB) and offering to help us with our final data collection efforts. We anticipate publication in late summer for this new assessment of preschoolers (ages 18 months through 5 years) on tasks that children diagnosed with autism typically have trouble completing. More information on the ESB can be found below.
And we are now looking for examiners all over the country to help us with the upcoming collection for the new emotional regulation questionnaire (FEEL-KJ) for ages 10-20 years (focusing on management strategies when angry, anxious, or sad). Data collection is online, in keeping with our sustainability commitment and the assessment is quick to administer – you can learn more here.
Our next stop “on the road”: APA in May
We look forward to seeing those of you attending the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting from May 20-24.
We will be launching the new 25th (adults) and 5th (children/adolescents) editions of our Clinical Handbooks of Psychotropic Drugs; our online version not only practices sustainability, but also comes with an efficient search functionality, side-by-side drug comparisons, and hot links to additional references.
Click here to see all the conferences we will be “on the road” for this year.
New release
Hotspots in Psychology 2023
Edited by: Tanja Burgard / Nadine Wedderhoff / Michael Bošnjak
Methodological advances for meta-analyses and state-of-the-art research syntheses in psychology.
The seventh volume of “Hotspots in Psychology” features the latest research on methodological advances in meta-analyses of psychological applications and highlights research syntheses that have a special relevance to the field.
Learn more
Book of the month
Suicidal Behavior, 2nd ed.
by Richard McKeon
Our “Book of the Month” for April 2023.
The second edition of this volume incorporates the latest research, showing which empirically supported approaches to assessment, management, and treatment really help those at risk.
To learn more about what being a book of the month involves (hint: it includes a discount code!) click on the link below.
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Supporting Autism Awareness Month
As April is Autism Awareness Month, we are highlighting some resources that can help with effective diagnosis and treatment. Read on about what we have to offer below.
Gender disparity in diagnosing autism
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the general population is about three times more common in boys than girls, and girls with the same level of ASD symptoms as boys are less likely to be diagnosed – could preschool testing help?
Read our latest spotlight article to learn more about how careful assessment of sociocognitive skills may prove beneficial.
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Our Early Sociocognitive Battery (ESB) assessment
Primarily a non-verbal clinical assessment tool suitable for use with children aged 2–5 years and from diverse language backgrounds, the ESB is a battery of three subtests measuring social responsiveness, joint attention, and symbolic comprehension.
Identification of deficiencies in these key sociocognitive skills help early years professionals target their intervention strategies appropriately in recognizing early signs of ASD.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
By Lisa Joseph / Latha V. Soorya / Audrey Thurm
This addition to the Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice series is a straightforward yet authoritative guide to effective diagnosis and empirically supported treatments for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
The core of the book is a clear description of current interventions and their empirical support, including psychosocial, pharmacological, educational, social skills, and complementary/alternative treatments.
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Our journals
Meet the new editors for the International Perspectives in Psychology.
Meet Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ines Meyer and Associate Editor Dr. Mendiola (Joy) Teng-Calleja and learn about their vision for the International Perspectives in Psychology moving forward, including including the requirement for article authors to include a section on implications for impact in regard to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Watch here
International Perspectives in Psychology
Topical issue: Environmental Justice and Psychology: Alternative Ideas on Environmental Issues
Our journal “International Perspectives in Psychology” is looking for papers related to environmental justice and psychology. If you are interested, submit your proposals below by August 31, 2023.
Learn more
European Psychologist
Special Issue: Psychology and the Environmental Crisis
This special issue by guest editors Katariina Salmela-Aro, Margarida Gasper de Matos, and Tony W. Wainwright reviews and discusses how psychology plays a critical role in limiting the effect on climate change through major social action.
Learn more
A final word: Are you performing sustainability research? Promote your work by adding SDGs to your keywords.
If your research contributes to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals support us with this project and promote your work by adding SDG related keywords (e.g. “SDG 3,” “SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being” and/or “Sustainable Development Goals”) to your journal article. This is the key to making your work visible and discoverable in this context, thus contributing to the achievement of the SDG goals.
Have you missed adding SDGs to your keywords in the past? That's not a problem. Here are instructions on how you can still get involved.
Cooperation with ScienceOpen
We are partnering with the research and publishing network ScienceOpen. That means that we deliver metadata and abstracts of our journal articles to ScienceOpen to increase discoverability. If a relevant SDG(s) keyword can be found in the metadata the article is automatically included in the “UN Sustainable Development Goals on ScienceOpen collection.” To raise awareness for this important research, the collection is promoted throughout the discovery environment in search menus, as “Related collection” banners and article recommendations.