November is a busy month filled with conferences and celebrations. This week we join NASP in recognizing the outstanding work of school psychologists and other educators through National School Psychology Week (NSPW) with our assessments and books. We are pleased to offer the new Early Sociocognitive Battery (ESB) to help identify possible communication issues in preschoolers, and the authors of our book Consultation and Mental Health Interventions in School Settings are holding a webinar to address the needs of refugee and immigrant students.
From November 16-19 we will be at the ABCT 57th Annual Convention, supporting their membership with our Book of the Month series – compact resources on evidence-based practices, written by expert authors in their respective fields. New releases in the Advances in Psychotherapy book series include topics on substance abuse and children’s mental health care in the digital age. We also have a new title on alcohol misuse in older adults, as well as a brand new book series in production, where we welcome new proposals. Learn more about these new tools and other resources below.
National School Psychology Week
Early Sociocognitive Battery (ESB)
To celebrate the work of school psychologists and early childhood educators we are pleased to offer the Early Sociocognitive Battery (ESB), available in January, 2024.
The ESB is a new, innovative assessment for preschool children that is predictive of later language and social communication difficulties often experienced by children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
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NASP Webinar
Addressing the Needs of Immigrant and Refugee Students: Inclusive Mental Health Interventions in Diverse School Settings
November 8, 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
Dr. Ester Cole and Dr. Maria Kokai, authors of the book Consultation and Mental Health Interventions in School Settings, are holding a webinar as part of the National School Psychology Week, presenting a comprehensive approach to addressing the diverse and often unique needs of school-age chidren and youth who are immigrants or refugees.
Register by clicking the link below. In taking part, attendees earn 1 Documented CPD/CE Credits/Hours.
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Visit Hogrefe at ABCT Convention 2023
Stop by and see us at Booth 305 at the ABCT Convention, November 16-19, in Seattle, WA. We will have 5 new books in our Advances in Psychotherapy book series for you to review, and if you are interested in submitting a proposal with us, we would love to chat, and we are offering a discount on our book series of the month (see below).
Book series of the month
edited by Danny Wedding / Kenneth E. Freedland / Linda Carter Sobell / Jonathan S. Comer / J. Kim Penberthy
Our Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice series, the focus of this month’s book series of the month, provides therapists with practical evidence-based guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of the most common disorders seen in clinical practice.
Each book in the series is eligible for a discount. To learn more about what being a book of the month involves, click on the link below.
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APA Division 12 Webinar 
Persistent Depressive Disorder: An Illustration of the Evolution and Future of Clinical Psychology
November 28, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET
Dr. J. Kim Penberthy, author of the book Persistent Depressive Disorders and the Advances in Psychotherapy book series editor is holding a webinar as part of a 6-session continuing education series.
Attendees will learn about the changes in the diagnosis of what is now referred to as PDD and detail the evolving psychotherapy approaches over the years.
Click the link below and scroll down that page to register. In taking part, attendees earn 1 Documented CPD/CE Credits/Hours.
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New book series!
edited by Dean McKay / Amitai Abramovitch
We are excited to announce Best Assessment Practices in Clinical Psychology, a new book series that is being developed and edited with the support of ABCT.
Intended to present practitioners and researchers with accessible and concise information on the state-of-the-art of psychological assessment procedures in specific domains of clinical psychology, volumes in planning include topics relating to anxiety disorders, body image/eating disorders, and adult self-harm and suicidal behaviors.
Learn more and read through our general submission guidelines if you are interested in submitting a proposal for a volume in the series.
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Other books and journals
Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Older Adults
by Erin L. Woodhead
As our population ages, practitioners find themselves working with older adults more frequently. Alcohol use problems among older adults are often underdiagnosed and undertreated, and there are few treatments designed specifically for this client group.
This new volume is a practical guide for practitioners, with up-to-date information on assessing and treating unhealthy alcohol use among older adults.
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Journal of Psychophysiology
Listen to Your Heart – Studying Heartbeat Detection and Emotional Intelligence
The perception of bodily signals plays an important role in the perception of one’s own and others’ emotions.
The aim of this study in the Journal of Psychophysiology was to verify if interoceptive ability, referred to as the ability to perceive bodily signals or autonomic self-perception, is related to individuals’ emotional abilities. Full article below.
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Social Psychology
How Emotions Induce Charitable Giving
Emotions play a pervasive role in determining advertising effectiveness. However, it is still a controversial question as to whether pleasant or unpleasant advertisements are more effective in attracting donations.
A study published in the journal Social Psychology recorded self-reported valence and arousal, as well as physiological activity, to see if certain imagery would initiate larger donations. Results linked below.
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