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|  | Dear Christina Sarembe,
| In this issue of our newsletter, we’d like to highlight some special journal issues – those which have just been released as well as upcoming issues. This year, the Rorschach test is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and as a gesture of appreciation, our journal Rorschachiana is publishing a special issue titled The Rorschach Test Today: An Update on the Research. For more information on this issue and others in our collection, have a read below. Warmly,
| Your Hogrefe Publishing Team
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 | |  |  | Newly Released Special Issues |
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| |  | Rorschachiana |  | “No other psychological test has the history and continuity that the Rorschach has.” Dr. Kari Carstairs, Guest Editor / Dr. Filippo Aschieri, Editor-in-Chief Special Issue: The Rorschach Test Today: An Update on the Research A special issue has now been published, providing an update as to the benefits of the test in society today, as well as an update on a White Paper published in 2005. Guest Editor Dr. Carstairs alongside Editor-in-Chief Dr. Aschieri have answered some questions about the information included – you can find the interview here.
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| |  | International Perspectives in Psychology |  | Women During COVID-19 Guest Editors: Judith Gibbons / Nancy Sidun How have women been affected by the pandemic? Topics on pregnancy and labor, as well as the increased risk of domestic violence and trafficking are discussed in this special issue, guest edited by Dr. Judith Gibbons and Dr. Nancy Sidun. The special issue is dedicated to Dr. Jean Lau Chin, an accomplished and beloved member of international psychology, who passed May 2020. For the editorial which reflects on fond memories, click here.
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| |  | Zeitschrift für Psychologie |  | Just released! Guest Editors: Rainer Greifeneder / Andrew Gloster Special Issue: Clinical and Social Psychology: Identifying Commonalities and Synergies to Advance Research and Practice This special issue brings together the topics of clinical and social psychology, which are both interested in understanding, predicting, and influencing behavior. Contributors think about their subject matter and possible implications from a clinical and social psychological perspective, in order to explore this synergy.
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| |  | Journal of Media Psychology |  | Part 1 to be released end of 2021 Part 2 to be released early 2022 Guest Editor: Christoph Klimmt Special Issue: Theoretical Consolidation and Innovation in Media Psychology This two-part issue catalyzes theoretical development by mobilizing authors’ efforts for either formalizing new models of theories in media psychology or for discussing prominent existing theoretical frameworks, their empirical validation, predictive usefulness, and potential needs for revision, extension, or even retirement.
| Find out about our current issue |
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| |  | Recent conferences |  | Last month we attended the 129th American Psychological Association Convention, August 12-14, which took place virtually this year. We had two symposia at the conference, and multiple meet-the-author sessions at our virtual booth with Dominik Schwarzinger, Alexander Grob, Danny Wedding, and Kim Penberthy via video calls. Thank you to all who came and visited us – we had lots of interesting discussions and hope to see you at APA Convention in person next year.
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